MIDLAND, Mich. – Online MBA Today has named Northwood University’s Richard DeVos Graduate School of Management’s online Masters of Business Administration a “
Top Online MBA Program in Michigan.”

The rankings analyze a list of 480 online MBA programs in Michigan, and ranked the DeVos online MBA No. 6 among programs in the state. Methodology for the ranking evaluates estimated tuition cost, accreditation, average base salary, and program prestige. The Online MBA Today list “helps prospective students find the highest quality online MBA programs in Michigan.”
In addition to the online MBA, the DeVos Graduate School of Management offers 12-month accelerated, 24-month traditional and evening programming and has locations in Midland, Lansing, Grand Rapids and Troy, Michigan, and Cedar Hill, Texas, as well as online Master of Science options.
The ranking comes in addition to Northwood’s graduate programs’ other recent rankings of “Top 5 Online MBA Programs in Michigan” and “Best Online MBA Programs,” both by national outlet U.S. News and World Report.
For more information about Northwood University and the Richard DeVos Graduate School of Management, visit