Northwood University Florida’s Seahawk basketball game recently held special meaning for eight students as they were inducted into the Northwood Florida 2014 Seahawk Homecoming Court.“Highly anticipated by students, the announcements generated a lot of requests that I release the information early,” laughed Brandon Strassburger, Northwood University Florida’s Student Life Coordinator of the proclamation which took place as part of half-time activities for the game in which Northwood ended up leading Southeastern 85-64.
Selected by their peers from among eighty nominations, the Northwood University Florida 2014 Homecoming Court includes:
Freshman Class
Lady in Waiting: Tiffany Larsen, an accounting major and a soccer team member from Daytona Beach, Florida
Knight: Chris Lee, an advertising and marketing major and a basketball team member from Lexington, Massachusetts
Sophomore Class
Duchess: Genny Nugent, an advertising and marketing major and a golf team member from Vancouver, British Columbia
Duke: DJ Quinterro Hernandez, an international business major from Cartagena, Columbia.
Junior Class
Princess: Hanna Lindstrom, a marketing major and a soccer player from Malmo, Sweden
Prince: Fred Mattison, a business major and a basketball team member from Anderson, South Carolina
Senior Class
Homecoming Queen: Maria Tornquist, an international business major and a soccer team member from Stockholm, Sweden
Homecoming King: Jake Lockhart, an entrepreneurship major and a basketball team member from Antigua
The 30th anniversary weekend welcomed alumni and friends from across the globe as it featured a variety of special events including Northwood’s Auto Show of the Palm Beaches, an open house program, Seahawk women’s and men’s basketball tournaments, and more.