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2024 Freedom Seminar lecture and film series dates

January 23, 2024

Northwood University invites the public to a number of upcoming lectures and film presentations that will be featured as part of the 2024 Freedom Seminar.

This Freedom Seminar series took place in the Winter and Spring of 2024. Please visit to get more information about the Fall 2024 series.

Dr. Dale Matcheck, who chairs Northwood’s economics department, noted the Northwood University Freedom Seminar is a yearly event featuring lectures and films that explore the principles of the free-enterprise system. Distinguished academic and business leaders lead discussions on topics of great interest to local, national, and global audiences, making the seminar a platform for insightful investigations.

“All events are free and open to the public, so we invite members of the community to join this year’s Freedom Seminar,” Matcheck noted.

The following includes the 2024 Freedom Seminar lineup:

• Jan. 24 —  Dr. Yaron Brook: “The Morality of Capitalism” sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute and Young Americans for Liberty. This will take place at 6 p.m. in Griswold Lecture Hall. Can’t make it in person? You can join virtually here.

• Jan. 31 — Dr. Burton Folsom: “The Contributions of Black Entrepreneurs to American Prosperity,” sponsored by Young Americans for Freedom. This is set to take place at 7 p.m. in Griswold Lecture Hall. This can be joined virtually here.

• Feb. 7 — Eric Nager, “A Plan For America: How to Place the American Dream on a Sure Foundation Forever.” This is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. in Griswold Lecture Hall. This also has a virtual option to join.

Feb. 21 — Film: “The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom,” with producer Eric Kohn, Acton Institute. This begins at 7 p.m. in Griswold Lecture Hall. Interested in joining virtually? Click here.

• March 20 — Film: “Free to Speak,” with producer Tom Skinner, Free to Choose Network. This starts at 7 p.m. in Griswold Lecture Hall. Join virtually here.

• April 2 — Free Market Road Show, “America and Europe: Challenges and Solutions.” This will have two different events in the McNair Center for Free Enterprise at Northwood University. The first begins at 9 a.m. with a panel discussing how America and Europe should deal with their environmental challenges. Panelists include Jason Hayes, director of energy and environmental policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy; and Kai Weiss, research and outreach coordinator at the Austrian Economics Center and a board member of the Hayek Institute

The second Free Market Road Show event on April 2 starts at 10:30 and feature panelists discussing how America and Europe should deal with immigration and demographic challenges. Those panelists will include Barbara Kolm, director of the Austrian Economics Center, and president of the Hayek Institute; and Dr. Alexandar Tokarev, Northwood University economics professor.

Watch both virtually here.

• April 17: Panelists will discuss“The Role of Government in a Free Society: Conservative, Libertarian and Socialist Perspectives.” This begins at 7 p.m. in Griswold Lecture Hall.

Panelists include Dr. Nathan Schleuter of Hillsdale College, Dr. Robert Murphy of the Mises Institute, and Matthew Erard, J.D.

Watch online here.

For more information, visit

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